Church Health
The local church is challenged today. I have been privileged to be a "Transitional Pastor" at two different churches since leaving the pastoral role in 2014. Helping churches and church leaders with critical resources is one thing we do here at MPM. Send me an email if you would like me to invest in your church. It would be my privilege; micpalmer@gmail.com.
Check out my recent blog on Church Revitalization. It is a fairly new thing but I have been doing it since beginning as a pastor. I believe that the Lord God can work in any setting in which His people align their personal and church lives with the Word of God! We help make this happen in many different ways with pastors and church leaders.

International Missions
To the ends of the Earth. This is where we are bringing the gospel. We are privileged to have been in more than eight countries around the world. And now our focus is continuing on the huge inroads the Lord has given us in Romania. Eastern Europe is a very difficult region. Romania and its culture present unique challenges. We are planning on at least two trips there in 2024. And we are already tentatively scheduled to help a local church go there in 2025. I go with a mission team in late June/early July this summer. And I go to invest in pastors and their churches in September of this year, 2024. The director of the Bucharest Baptist Association has asked me if I would be willing to come. If I can help some pastors connect with the lost through a more effective church then I will have made a significant difference. And with your support, you will help do that as well.